Gratitude and Gratefulness








Dear Supporters,

Thank you for your steadfast belief in me, your kind endorsements, generous donations, glowing letters to the editor and just in time coffee runs! I am grateful to each of you for our deep conversations, problem solving sessions and honest dialogues. Your passion for the children of our community is a driving force that contributes to excellence in education in LWSD.

I am extremely grateful for the thousands of hours of volunteering our community has invested in our public schools. I appreciate continued community support of ballot measures that provide our children with the necessary technology, programs and space to learn and thrive in a global economy.

Thanks to the combined efforts of kids, parents, LWSD staff and community, the following have been accomplished over the past four years:

  • Graduation rate increased to 94.4%
  • 1:1 laptop ratio for students funded
  • 44 new brick and mortar classrooms added (in past two years)
  • 4th Meritorious Budget Award earned
  • New pathways to graduation incorporated
  • Fully inclusive preschool program launched
  • Academy for Creating Excellence started
  • Diversity in hiring increased
  • Department of Equity and Family Engagement created
  • 24/7 tech support for families & staff implemented
  • Partnered w/ 13 orgs to provide mental health services
  • Began Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
  • Increased advanced course offerings
  • Initiated Positive Behavior Intervention
  • Established an online school
  • Staffed onsite public health response with LWSD employees
  • Provided Vaccine clinics on school sites
  • PCR testing opened on 4 school campuses
  • Received 2021 Board of Distinction award

I remain grateful to students who continue to inspire me with their critical thinking, creative presentations, accomplishments, achievements, and advocacy.  I can’t wait to see what they do next!

This website will continue to be centered on kids and education as I hone my focus on student mental wellness & academic supports, equity in communication & achievement, and the prevention of substance abuse. Stay tuned!

As I bring my thankfulness to a close, I invite you to join me in support of incoming board member, Leah Choi. I had the pleasure of spending many hours with Leah at the WSSDA conference and feel she is a great addition to the LWSD Board of Directors!

Best wishes to all for good health and happiness.

Never stop learning,





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